Friday, November 6, 2009

Why Do People Say Such Things!!

I just saw on a facebook post attached to a video about the shooting at Fort Hood.

"FUCK YEAH! Oh... just 12.... aww almost 13"

WHY WOULD ANYONE SAY THAT!!! It's horrible! The person isn't even a citizen of the US and it just infuriates me that he could take the death of soliders... no ANYONE so lightly. Its just disgusting! His responce was simply that he doesn't "understand" the Army's reasoning for sending our loved ones to war and he doesn't "like" the US ARMY.

Well who really does adore military of any sort? No one likes war and wouldn't it be wonderful if men and women didn't have to fight and die to protect our rights and freedom or help those in need when combat is required. Granted at this point I don't agree with all the US military is doing now but I firmly believe in supporting the men and women not the political mudslinging that they are forced to defend. It take so much courage to stand and fight for your country even if you don't want to take that gun and pull the trigger. War is a nessecity in our society it seems and the least we can do is support those who stand in front of us! As the old saying goes. "If you don't stand behind our military, Stand in FRONT of them!"

Perhaps if he had made a more reasonable arguement for his actions I wouldn't be so harsh. But it just frustrates me! He also commented that the victims of the shooting weren't even dying to protect their country. AGH! I think that many people don't realize how hard the men and women who are serving on the home front work and how difficult it is to live waiting orders and trying to live a life and provide for your family with the thought of being shipped off even the next morning. It doesn't matter where they are stationed they do a job that many people just don't have the gumption to do and for that I can NEVER thank them enough!

SO A THANKS TO EVERY PERSON IN MILITARY SERVICE for doing your duty with pride! I'm so grateful!

I'm just going to post this before I get so upset I start crying.


  1. Cruel people are part of this crazy thing called life. Thinking it's any other way is insanity. You are doing your part by taking care of your business, that's the only control you have. You'll be surprised how far that ripple will go though. Keep up the good work.

  2. I still believe there is much more good in the world than evil.
