Sunday, November 8, 2009

30 Soles: Nudity! How Scandalious!

THE SHOE: Au natural

THE WHY: Well to be frank I find my work shoes to icky to post for Saturday's shoe... and after my early morning shift... I simply puttered around my room and did some hardcore homework and even more serious napping... oopsies. But it was certainly nice to let my little toes have some freedom today!!!
TIDBIT: It has been said that prime nap time is from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., when your energy level dips due to a rise in the hormone melatonin at that time of day. Funny thats about when I had one of my naps!

1 comment:

  1. That makes sense...I often schedule my meditation and/or nap time at 3:00 pm...really helps before the evening dinner-dishes shift begins...

    Glad you got some well deserved down time yesterday and your adorable pink tootsies got some breathing time. I think it's very healthy for feet to be bare.

    Reconsider posting your ugly work shoes, contrast can be a good thing...and when we see the dark then we can truly appreciate the light...oohh, I'm so captivated by your flower slideshow, I lost track of my thoughts...loverly...
