Tuesday, November 17, 2009

30 Soles: Inny Minny Minny Toes!

THE SHOE: This is a special post as I am posting SOCKS and not shoes... but the underwears is almost as important as the outerwears!

THE WHY: Lovely Kelly from IB in high school went to Korea over the summer and is now going to Duke! I met her and Dovina on Saturday morning for brunch with Reagan and she gave me these socks as a gift! They are cartoon representations of some of my favorite members from a Korean Pop group BIG BANG! Love their music!

TIDBIT: My favorite BIG BANG song! The english subtitles are in the top left of the screen!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how fun to post socks too! yes, those socks are definitely you! What a great gift from Dovina. I enjoyed listening to the utube video more after I finally found the English subtitles! Took me a couple of minutes. I'm afraid they are just too angsty for me! Just don't tell my Michael Bolton!
