Sunday, June 7, 2009

UPDATES: Me, Lolita and the USMC!

Okay so big warning! This is gonna be a HUGE post I have a lot to say!!

So UPDATES: (+=good things, -= bad things)


+/-Well things have been pretty boring since I returned home, I pretty much putz around my house and sew, watch BONES reruns and talk in the wee hours of the morning to my boyfriend.

+I have also managed to make it to the gym or play tennis 3 times a week at least! +However I do luckily have a job this summer! Only two days a week at the Colorado Renaissance Festival! It will be really fun and I will hopefully continue to loose some weight! I'm working at Friar Tuck's Bakery so come and see me! I need the customers! And we make really yummy stuff!!!

-If you know me well you know that I have had a reoccuring shoulder problem. Turns out it wasn't just stress, my muscle is actually overworking itself and having negative growth so its basically weaker and covering the muscle with new muscular scar tissue kind of stuff. So I am now doing physical therapy to help make the constant pain I have go away so I don't have to take meds for it!

USMC: For the full report venture to meh LJ.

-I'm also really depressed lately because I had to push my trip to North Carolina back... to August. I'm pretty sure Reagan was mad about that even though he only admitted mild disappointment. It will just be easier for me cause I won't be as stressed and I will get to stay with him for like eight days instead of just barely four... so I hope that we can hang in for these couple of months.

+ I recently joined a online chat and support group for Marine girlfriends, wives, and significant others! All the women I have talked to are just super nice and its really lovely to have women there that understand how hard it is to stand behind our men in uniform, and I am just hoping that when Reagan deploys I can have as much courage as those women do and I can support him when he is even FURTHER away from me! (The group is

+I mailed a small package to Reagan yesterday! It is adorable and I hope he will like it! I made it especially for his 24 hour duty this upcoming Wendsday night! But I can't tell you what's in it here! Or it would ruin the suprise! Perhaps after he receives it I will let the suprise out!

LOLITA DAY: Yesterday was International Lolita Day!

+ I not only got to see Leah again and hung out with her for like half the night, but also met two new Lolita! They were really nice a little shy but Danielle and I agreed that it was because we were a bit intimadating we weren't trying to be but we did talk brand and shop alot! XDD

+Today was super fun! I got to debut my new music note skirt... handmade and I even got a compliment that it looked professional and not handmade! YAY! I'm finally getting better!

+Reagan thought Lolita fashion was "aight" And he wouldn't totally be ashamed if I wore it out in public with him! YAY!

+We met many lovely people, including a lady who took a picture of us all together, a older couple at the crepe place we went to, and a shop girl in a REALLY beautiful shop... it fed the hime gyaru in me! And the shop girl talked and talked to us! We will soo have to go back to that shop again!

+When we had Boba downtown it was really neat! We met two girls from Japan that were like! OMG! Lolitas! "May we take your pictures??" And they just kept saying "Kawaii!" over and over! And they were so adorable!!! It was a lot of fun and I love it when I have a good experience!

+/- There were these ADORABLE bunnies in the pet store... but the one I really wanted who was just soo cute I can't have... damn the dorms.

- There was a homeless guy, a creepy guy who Leah was like "Umm goatees don't fit with Lolita style." XD, and several glares from people in the Chapel Hills Mall, shame on you for your lack of tolerence.

-I got sunburned! Owwie!

And that's about it!

PS: Totally pissed that the WonderGirls (Awesome Korean Pop girl group) will NOT be performing as an opening Act for the Jonas Brothers at MY SHOW! WHY??! Only three days later they join the tour... damn you Oregan and California!

Double PS: I totally read my best friend's mother's journal today! And I have to agree with what she said about being the presense of such history! It really can be breathtaking!


  1. I didn't know you had a blog! I hope you don't mind I subscribed....if you do (privacy is important I know) You can let me know. It is fun to share life stories isn't it. So tickled you read and liked my post. Yes I agree you girls need to do a road trip to SW Colorado. There are amazing things to see; Mesa Verde International Park, Telluride (festivals, shopping, Japanese Restaurant), Ouray (hot springs pool, incredible mountain scenery and waterfalls), not to mention the 'Fairy Palace' behind my mom's house. Chances are there will be a vacant furnished cabin for you(and friends?) to stay in. So start planning, would love to see you.

  2. p.s.: littledemonpixie is the perfect name for you!
