Thursday, May 14, 2009

I made it!

Yeah that's right! I just finished my first year of college! And I'm rather sober and alive! Its a really great feeling. I definately think I could have done a lot better this year but you know its all about learning isn't it!? I know what to change for next year now! And so now I am taking a few minutes from packing to talk what happened this academic year!

-I finished my first year of formal Japanese, I believe I know somewhere around 150 to 200 kanji. I can write to my host sister in Japanese now!
-I can speak and hold a pretty nice conversation in Japanese!
-I got my first D on a paper... not good but weird.
-I wore Lolita in a school setting for the first time since I had a horrible experience in high school.
-I met some of the most wonderful frilly friends a Lolita could have! Here's to you Phen and Syd!! Supa <3s!
-I met my heterosexual lifemate! Asuka you make my half, a whole and it's awesome!
-I left the realm of singledom once again and am dating a wonderful man! Reagan, ngoh oi nei! (And yeah go laugh at my horrible Cantonese!)
- I learned that I really can be happy without having absolutely everything
-I now have a closer knit group of people that share my passion for Asian culture.
-I'm finally getting to make my dreams into reality.
-I successfully lived on my own.
-I've lost weight!
-I've had a hot teacher... Thanks Kurt North for teaching SPCM-200!

On a side note I had a wonderful time out withPhen and Syd yesterday evening in lolita! I can't wait till we get our brand stuff Syd! Or when we will get to have a sewing circle together!

Also today I went to see my Japanese class before their final and I got this warm fuzzy feeling when I said goodbye it was really nice for everyone to wish me good bye and a good summer! みな!がんばってください!!!!!! I will also miss seeing Mori-sensei! She is so fun and I love the fact that we love drama and that Sojiro is her favorite from F4! *sigh* Now only if there was somewhere she could tell me so I could go learn tea ceremony! Cause I've always wanted to do it!

Well that's all for now! Back to packing!

Ja mata!

PS: And Phen cause I know you are reading this I hope you know that I think you and senpai will be soo sweet if it all goes in your favor... and yah I sorta wanted a big J-dorama showdown... ya know how I do.

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