Friday, June 12, 2009


Despite having Reagan mildly annoyed at me (grumpy pants), my mother returning home, and only managing to get like three hours of sleep I am rather happy today!

This is because I heard from my host sister Manami today! I have missed her soo much since I met her in 2006 in Japan and it is hard for us to reach each other because we are soo busy! However today in her email she said that she is coming to the states for study in August! YAY!! She will be in Reno, Nevada... anyone up for a road trip??? Hmm?! Otherwise I hope that I can see her or she can come stay with me on a break or something! That would be soo cool! And now she has a Facebook! YAY! So we can hopefully talk more frequently!

Well that's it for now I think I'm gonna get some lunch!

Ja mata!

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