Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SHH! Don't Tell Anyone!

This is sorta inspired by MaginficantDebra and her secret posts... that and I got an email that reminded me of it.

Back in the day... like since 7th or 8th grade I wrote fanfiction... you know write stories about my favorite characters from my favorite shows doing things that they didn't do or wouldn't do in the show... I wrote like dozens of them (32 I think) with a few hundred reviews and more hits... the ones I think that were the most popular were the many that I wrote for the long running series JAG (which is still one of my favorite shows by the way... even though its over.). ANYWAY! So I got a review for a story today... here's the kicker... I wrote it roughly FIVE years ago... called 2ply JAG... and I just smiled that someone is still getting joy from them!

A new review/comment has been submitted to your story.
Story: 2ply JAG Chapter: 3.
HAHAHAHA PMSL. I was trying to tell my mum about this but couldnt because Iwas laughing so much,LMFAO My mum loves JAG, she got me into it. HILARIOUS. I usually just readthe romance ones, but this omg hahahhahahaYou did good. I couldnt breathe with the unscrewing of the admiral's chair.PMSFL! ROFL. Welldone on this, really. I always struggle to write comedy, but this was fantastic!!!"

So it made me smile long story short... and if you'd like to read what my mind cooked up... despite its perhaps poor writing style... here's my profile. I haven't written ANYTHING in forever... but perhaps if I start watching something that inspires me I may take it up again... I have a new series of Fullmetal Alchemist to watch soo we will see...

Anyway that's all for now!

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