Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Red, White & You!!

So Reagan is pretty much the object of this post. First off I want to find these in a store and send some to him! THEY ARE JUST AWESOME! But I tried all the "HomeShop" parts of sites, called Candy Stores in malls and all other things and can't find them, except ordering in bulk!!! I think they would be just perfect for a care package! If anyone sees them TELL ME ASAP! Or buy me a few boxes and I will pay you back! They will only be on the shelves till Labor Day! They even have little military themed messages on them!!

Secondly, I got a letter from Reagan today! I just love writing and receiveing letters! I knew it was coming but still it was really exciting to open it and see what he wrote! He writes in cursive.... and SUPER TEENY TINY! It was hard to read.... Turns out he got a new tattoo! He spent half the letter telling me the story of how and when he got it... and didn't say what it was!! I can't wait to see it! Granted I hope its not anything odd... I'd hate to have it excellent chest soiled with a weird tattoo! Cause I friggin love the ones on his back... (I has a thing for back tattoos... in case you didn't know!) And the best part... He signed with his Chinese name too... at least I'm pretty sure that's what it is! Since I can't read Chinese characters...well those ones... I will have to ask him when I write him back! Which I'm off to do now!!

And yes it's on the stationary I made for him.


  1. Oh girl, I am so glad you are blogging. This is such an adorable record of this time in your life. You must keep it forever. When you are my age and look back you will love love love that you have this recorded. Now tell me? Do YOU want a tatto too? Or do you just like them on others? I have to tell you, I think they are ugly! Entertaining as art form expression yes, but also not pretty! I hope your beautiful porcelain body will remain stain free! I know it's fashionable now....I'm just saying! So, have you been to my blog recently? Think you'll enjoy my new photos and posts. Nothing to do with tatoos though! Hmmm...maybe I can come up with Secret #10: I am tatto-less! Hmmm there's a funn story in there somewhere!

  2. Yea! Your pretty porcelian posterior prefers pristine pokelessness!

  3. Ooh what a marvelously manipulated mixture of letters! Alliterations rock my world!
