Monday, August 3, 2009

OH NUU! I Did A Bad Thing!

Yeah... not only did I order a lolita outfit... I ordered it from (dun dun dun dunnna!) BODYLINE... yes yes now before you all shoot me.... This is what I ordered.... it gets something off my wishlist....

I mean I guess it isn't too bad.... a bag and skirt for $58.... and I actually really like this print... I think I may take the bow off the front of the skirt if possible and make it into a headpiece.... what do you all think.... a whole outfit for under $60... I'm also looking at buying a simple white skirt... for like $30, its all white so I'm going to get a cute design to embroider on it... I was thinking a kitty or a bunny with some flowers... anyway but perhaps she will go down on the price or knock off the shipping.... we shall see.... cause its a cute skirt but I guess since I ordered this it might be good if I didn't buy it but we will see how low she goes.
So I also just ordered this! Now Phen and I can twin!!! WOOO!!! Total of $36 Shipping included!

PS: So I'm waiting on the following packages:
-Commissioned Jesus Diamante replica (yet to be shipped)
-Kawaii Craving Order
PPS: I saw Janora and Katie at Ren Fest on Saturday! Katie looks adorable in sweet by the WAY! And Janora I loved the "Peasent Lolita" It was really nice to see you! See ya at the tea!

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