Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We Can Make It Through!

Gotta love that Arashi song, mostly cause the video is hilarious but anyway!

So the news, it's official I am going to North Carolina for a week or two this summer! I'm soo excited I can't wait to see Reagan again! I miss him so much! And it will be fun to meet all his buddies, cause he talks or rather bitches about them all the time, that and it will be my first time going to the East Coast!!! (>w<) I hopefully can convince him to drive me to Duke so I can see my friend Dovina while she is doing a summer reasearch project there.

In other news... I registered for classes last week and here are the results

1200-1250: Survey of British Literature
1300-1350: Japanese Year II
1400-1450: Introduction to American Literature
1500-1550: 300 Level Composition: Writing Arguments

1300-1350: Japanese Year II

1200-1250: Survey of British Literature
1300-1350: Japanese Year II
1400-1450: Introduction to American Literature
1500-1550: 300 Level Composition: Writing Arguments

1300-1350: Japanese Year II

1200-1250: Survey of British Literature
1300-1350: Japanese Year II
1400-1450: Introduction to American Literature
1500-1550: 300 Level Composition: Writing Arguments

My schedule is like exactly the same, lulz but no need to worry about that now... Thankfully I only have to keep it together for three more weeks then I'm free!!!!!!

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