Thursday, February 17, 2011

Eat Your Heart Out!

So, its been a trying week to say the least.

I've had exams and meetings and drama galor but its Thursday and I'm in need of a break! Unfortunately that won't come till Saturday!

Anyway, Monday was Valentine's Day, and while I was a bit lonely it was a pretty good day, things went along smoothly, just busy. However here comes the day's romantic story!

I was getting read to head to work (from 4pm to Midnight) I had my hand on the door to leave when there was a knock!!! I was like WHOA! I open the door and there is a local florist with a splendid bouquet of red roses and dark pink tigerlilies (I think) waiting for me!! They were from My Marine of course but is was just a really neat way to get them. I almost missed their delivery! Fate is a funny thing sometimes!

Anyhow the rest of the week is progressing, and I'm almost there, I need to write letters this weekend as well as go to tea ceremony (I have a one on one lesson with Ricci-sensei... I'm sorta scared...) and do my homework.

And finally speaking of eating, I had my mid month weigh in and I lost FIVE pounds! I'm so excited that Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred video (SaraMari recommended this and used it on her diet) is working! I do it everyday and it is kicking my butt! But I'm excited about the results so far!

I'm getting better at eating better which is good.

Well now its time to study for a test!

I will be back to blog again soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lots to celebrate! Love to see pics! Of the roses, of you in your tea kimono...of beautiful you!
    Blessings friend!
