Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hosting! Gotta Love IT!

So its Spring Break and I'm home with the parents again! But also a Japanese exchange student from Kyoto is staying with me! Her name is Sayumi and and she is a darling!!! I love her to death! So since she's been here we've done some fun things!!! Shopping in Denver, purikura, Seeing Avenue Q, and then today we went to the Air Force Academy and Garden of the Gods!

When I get back to Ft. Collins and a high speed internet connection I will post LOTS of pictures of the shinanagans I promise!!

Oh PS: The bangs hath returned!!!

PPS: Reagan may have to go back to his original unit... ugh.... which means at the moment he has no address... so he can't get any mail. Sad pandas....

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, Kyoto! My JAPEX boss told me that was the most beautiful place in all of Japan, full of temples, gardens and beauty. I hope Sayumi brought pictures for you. I imagine you getting lots of language practice, good for you! Looking forward to pics of your break and new hairdo! Blessings.
