Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010: The Lighter Note

Okay so its resolution time! First lets recap!


1. Get straight A’s… yeah that didn’t go so well but I have a 3.59 GPA! YAY!

2. Mandarin… when was I supposed to start that… I think I will just start bugging Reagan to teach me more Cantonese.

3. I still have a job a Corbett! I’m going to apply for the Trainer position as soon as I am able!

4. SAVE! That one didn’t go so well, thanks in large part to Reagan for emptying my coffers for some serious fun time!

5. I didn’t lose 15lbs. I’ve been maintaining at 150lbs. some of the gain is in muscle is good but I’m still not happy so to the gym!

6. STAY SOCIAL! Oh I did that! I got a boyfriend many more friends from both the US and Japan and other countries! My calendar is never empty!

So the resolutions for this year!

1. Apply and get accepted at Yamagata University Japan!

2. Work even harder at my studies! Participate in Japan Cup and get an A in Japanese!

3. Write more letters! Especially to the Japanese students!

4. Get myself into the Counseling Center to see someone about my mental state (Read Extended Issues for more detail).

5. Become a stronger and more positive woman for my man and for those around me!

6. Remove most of the “Negative Nellie’s” in my life! See ya girls! I don’t need your drama too!

7. Keep losing weight, I won’t say how much. My target is somewhere in the 135lbs neighborhood (I want to lose enough to lose some “chest weight” to put it politely)

8. Work on developing a gyaru style, poised perfect and stylish! I’m becoming a woman so its time to dress like one!

9. Make this year EVEN better then the last! But between friends and Reagan this could be the toughest!

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