Thursday, December 24, 2009

Anchors Aweigh!

Okay... so that's technically Navy... but long story short. Reagan's ship left today... well last night to be precise... so they are now somewhere in the Atlantic... and my main hope... that the stupid man stays warm enough!

I did hear news that there are plans to make this trip as short as possible so he maybe back by the end of January!!! I'm so excited! But as everyone knows... nothing ever really goes the way you want it to in the military... but still less of a damper on my holidays!

It's Christmas Eve and its gonna be a little sad tomorrow but I'm thankful that my family and friends will be around to distract me to some extent... I'm sad though cause Reagan forgot to take the little Christmas tree I sent him along with him... humph. Oh well he remembered the important part his gift... which I really hope he likes and can enjoy while he is on the ship... well that's about it.

Tomorrow also look forward to an outfit post, I've been working on my gyaru style and I'm getting better, slowly... but better!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas dear Linsey, hope your day was filled with comfort and joy. Look forward to seeing your photo shoot tomorrow. :-)
