Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Could you...

In the past couple of days I have had some devestating news about my grandmother. She went into the hospital on Monday, for some pain in her side. They found a tumor in her colon. Thankfully it wasn't blocking anything, but I just got a call from my mom saying that she has a bacteria that was caused by the tumor that they can't do much to treat. They also declared her unfit for surgery based on her other health problems and her age. She has currently been moved to a hospis where they are making her comfortable.

I am planning to be flying out in the coming days (Saturday) so that I can spend some time with her.

However I would also greatly appreiciate it if you would keep my grandmother in your thoughts and prayers. I'm not well stocked in faith but I would greatly appreicate it if you would help me let God know our family's desire for her to be comfortable and as happy as she can before she returns to Him.

This will be hard, and I am hoping I can count on you for some support along the way. I'm doing my best to be strong for me and my family but I may need a hand to hold to help me get there.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

So. Change In Plans

Class seems like its nearly killing me! So much work but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, graduation is just over a year away! But I will be thankful for Thanksgiving break with Reagan and my family in San Diego!

I've been pretty negligent in my posting here my blogger but yesterday I had tea ceremony (at Tom's outdoor tea room it was a beautiful autmn day PERFECT for tea!! I wanted to cry it was so perfect!) and because of it I think I'm about to make a huge life decision.

As you all know, I've been wanting to teach in Japan for so long and I'm actually getting excited to teach as I work more with students, like those in the IEP here at CSU. I know it will be totally different in Japan but I really wanna do this.

That being said, yesterday's tea conversation turned to the Midori Kai Tea School and their scholarship for foreign tea students. There has been a little conversation about it with Mike-先生 and Christy-先生 has spoken of it, and I've always thought it was a neat opportunity, as I really am developing a passion for Japanese Tea Ceremony. However yesterday really has convinced me that its something I feel I should pursue further... like apply for it, further. Everyone in the tea group (at least those present) support the idea, including Mike who seemed really excited that I want to apply.

I would spend a year in Kyoto tuition, room, board, meals and living expenses covered (1,000 dollars a month), and everyday of that year I would spend every waking moment with tea. Mike said it would be difficult especially for the women as we live in a dormitory with pretty strict rules (like a curfew), and do a lot of cleaning but that wouldn't really bother me.

I would be in KYOTO of all places!!! This is a place in Japan that has really fascinated me, there is just so much tradition and a uniqueness that I can't place on anywhere else. I would get to experience so much and be in the company of some of the most talented people in our tea lineage. Also Sayumi lives there! I would get to see her like all the time, and I do miss her soo much.

Another thing aside from the aspect of studying a new found passion, once that year is up, I may take an apprenticeship with a sweet shop in Kyoto (if possible), since the sweets are one of my favorite things about tea. There is a tea teacher in Boston who when I go to visit Reagan I may have a chance to meet, and he is an expert in making sweets) So that would put me at least a year and a half from teaching in Japan which was my original plan. However I feel that I just can't pass this up and it seems like the perfect time for me to take on a challenge like this. I would be in Japan regardless, just instead of working I would be pursuing a passion.

I'm pretty sure my parents would say go for it because they always support me (and I love them for that) and I know I can count on Reagan to support me, he doesn't understand I don't think but he's happy when I'm happy and is always willing to understand and support me. So I guess I have to break the news. I've been thinking about it for awhile and now with only a year of school left I think now its time to start working towards it.

So much for having plans right?