Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dog Years

Today I spent a sunny afternoon on the CSU campus with my dog of ten and a half years (That's seventy five in Doggy Years). Aside from enjoying the grass and the springtime sunshine, I had a few good laughs at the openmouthed stares as we strolled through campus.

My dog Jenny (VII Trails Guinevere if you call her by her breeder name)is about 150 lbs and comes up to midcalf. She's a big girl on the outside, but her heart is even bigger. The reason for our get together today was as sad one. Jenny is really really sick, she has cancer, and as a family, we decided that surgery while a possibility is just not the most loving option because the odds are against us. So for the next week or so, Jenny will be living out her last days with my family in the forests of Colorado, playing on the property with our other furry family (Ella and Walker), spending evenings chewing on a bone or snoozing at the foot of my father's big chair.

I was heartbroken to see her get into the back of the stationwagon today when it was time to head home, and when I was saying my goodbyes I got her full loving attention while I cried a little rubbing her ears (her favorite petting spot). We as a family have had sick dogs before, but Jenny is really the only one that I can fully remember growing up with. When I wanted to do dogshowing she was the one that trotted along beside me in the practice ring and held her poses like she was supposed to. We went on walks through the woods in the summer, and she kept my cold feet warm in the winter. We spent weekends in costume at the Renaissance Fair and many days in the grass or the snow just playing around. I will miss our grumble, growl, grumble wars, she always won of course.

It's been a blissful ten years, and I'm torn to see God's decision for her finally becoming visable. I just hope that where she goes after this will be just as happy for her as all the years my family and I have loved her.

I'm going to miss her so much, it is going to be very hard for me, because I won't be there when it's time for her to go, but I know this is for the best and I will always be greatful for the years I was allowed to spend with her.

You will be missed Jenny, and you are still my number one four pawed Princess!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet Jenny. So glad you got to spend time with her this weekend. She is beautiful and huge! I will keep you all in my prayers this week. Your new blog look is fabulously fun!
