Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So I sorta fought with the Marine on Sunday night (okay it was all me telling him somethings that are pretty bad that have been on my mind in the past few days) And I've been a total wreck. It's now Tuesday, I haven't slept in 48 hours, or spoken to him on the phone and I haven't been able to keep any food down. Yesterday afternoon I feel asleep in my Syntax class and felt horrible, I never do that.

I'm doing my best to still look and give the personna that I am at my best, but its failing miserably, if we don't talk soon I may be making a trip to the hospital if my stomach doesn't stop rejecting everything.

I hate fighting so much. I hate when I fight, I hate when others fight (parents etc) it does literally stress me to the point where I'm physically sick.


  1. Oh sweetie. I am so sorry you are hurting. One of the very hardest and best lessons you will learn is that no matter what is happening in your relationship world, you must be good to yourself. You must not let anyone or anything get in the way of your well being. Ask yourself, "What can I do now, that will make me feel better?" Then do that...one small step at a time, it's all you need to do. Do you need a hot shower and tea? Do you need quiet music and lights out? Do you need a run and some soup? Be gentle and kind to yourself...and trust..it will all work out. Blessings dear girl.

  2. I feel so bad that i have not read this till today. How is everything love?

    If you want to get some coffee or something just let me know ok!
