Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Bundle of News!

Today started off horribly!! And I mean horrible. I woke up feeling so sick I didn't want to get out of bed, but did anyway and stood for four hours in front boiling hot steam tables, serving persons who were more concerned about getting their potatoes then when I dropped a pan because I burned my wrist on it.

Anyway after that I went to Japanese... which was alright, at least all the answers I gave were right and everyone liked my Hello Kitty flu mask. But on the way to class I had to go back three times to remember my group's outline for our culture project... so that sucked. And after class I was getting an almond steamer and my man called all in a frenzyf asking if I was back to my room yet... but I will say why in a minute! He had an appointment today... and it was pretty much settled that if the doctor's got their heads out of their asses he would be going on this deployment leaving soon. But despite my thinking that he's sorta hurt about the whole thing, I'm doing my best to stay positive for him that there may be another way for him to deploy. So we will see!

Anyway on to what made my day so wonderful now!
I checked my mail and I found a package slip... and inside that big loooong box.... all this! I can almost forgive him for not being here on Valentines! (LOL I'm kidding, I will live, we will hopefully have many things to celebrate together.) However... I do feel sorta like he out did himself compared to what I sent... please compare (fabulous roses cliche but my favorite versus... a small package of homemade truffles... cause I wanted to give him something even though he said I didn't have to.)


  1. Sorry you're under the weather, I can relate...but don't think I'd be brave enough to wear a hello-kitty face mask! You are a riot! So glad you got such a loving Valentine's Day package...a dozen longstem red roses...sigh! How wonderful. Your homemade truffles look delicious. Now that's a talent! Enjoy your weekend and feel much better.

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