Saturday, February 28, 2009

Adventure: Route 7

So today is Saturday, yep that's the day after Friday folks!

Friday in itself was a blast unfortunately it comes with a few puzzling things, that you can read at my LJ and that I may elaborate here on later tonight... maybe.

But Saturday! That's my point!

I went out with Danielle today and it was just a blast! It was a little cold but worth it. We explored the world that is Drake St. in Ft. Collins. Our first stop was an asian market, which I was a tad disappointed in but there is another on Magnolia that has promise as well. However we picked up some mango mochi icecream which we ate in 40 degree weather! GO COLORADO!!!

After that we tried Nepalese food for the first time! It reminded me a lot of indian food actually but it was absolutely delicious but sooo much to eat!! I had a chicken stew with naan bread... soo yummy and Danielle had dumplings.

And so that was today's adventure... now to begin blogging about Friday, and my various neurosis.

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