Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back in the Habit

So I'm back from Japan! It was a crazy, wild... okay it was pretty tame I was teaching ten hours a day after all! Anyway I'm back in the good ol' US of A and I need something new to blog about as the Fall season and my diet (to loose what I gained in Japan) gets underway.

So its a new blog series... but you will have to wait till my next post before I give you all the juicy details...

BUT I'll give you a hint... its got women, lots of awesome, classy, beautiful and sassy WOMEN!

Talk to you soon!

PS: If you missed out on the Japan adventures, check em out at my Tumblr!! Lord that site is WAAY too much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back LDP! You've been missed. Looking forward to catching up on your adventures. Hoping to make a trip up your way soon. Blessings dear one.
