Sunday, August 28, 2011

Whose That Lady?

Hello my few but faithful followers! I will admit I have been neglecting things here... for my Tumblr.

But fear not! I've decided its time for a new blog series!

This one has a lot to do with my ongoing journey to become a more beautiful, proud and fearless woman!

There are so many women that inspire us in the world we live in now and in days gone by.

BEGINNING THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 1st this series will focus on one woman that has a quality that I admire, and for that whole week I will be working on improving that quality in myself.

I can't wait to start this and can't wait to share all the great women that are helping shape me into the young woman I strive to be!

NOTE: This blogger will be devoted to the long winded versions of this series, but if you want a more abbreviated version check out my Tumblr HERE!!!!!!!!

Our first lady is coming soon!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back in the Habit

So I'm back from Japan! It was a crazy, wild... okay it was pretty tame I was teaching ten hours a day after all! Anyway I'm back in the good ol' US of A and I need something new to blog about as the Fall season and my diet (to loose what I gained in Japan) gets underway.

So its a new blog series... but you will have to wait till my next post before I give you all the juicy details...

BUT I'll give you a hint... its got women, lots of awesome, classy, beautiful and sassy WOMEN!

Talk to you soon!

PS: If you missed out on the Japan adventures, check em out at my Tumblr!! Lord that site is WAAY too much fun!