Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cosplay: Just a Thought....

So lately I've found myself browsing the cosplay sites again. (If you don't know what cosplay is the wiki page is an okay place to start ) As if I don't have enough with developing my gyaru style

I mean I used to really enjoy it, as I looove to sew, but over the last few years I was discouraged by the many people who were abusing the hobby and not putting enough effort into creating a beautiful costume. Not to mention I've had several outfits ruined by inconsiderate anime and comic fans, and convention goers that it just made me loose heart.

I still have a dream to go to Comic Con (HUUUGE Convention in Cali) and maybe someday I will, but I thought I would just take a few minutes about my cosplay musings... should I get back into it? And if so anyone have suggestions of what I should do?

Riza Hawkeye (I've done her before and have had good reception as I've been told I look a lot like her... if you can look like a character... but also my personality apparently is a good match... and she is one of my all time faves!)

Princess Aurora: My fave Disney Princess!

Charlotte Le Bouf from the Princess and the Frog: I know that if my family had stayed in the South... yeah she's what I would have been. And of course it would be her ball gown as the costume.

The Twi'lik dancers from Star Wars... because the challenge of the outfits and head pieces as well as a chance to airbrush my body blue or green totally intrigues me! Oh and I definately need to keep hittin the gym for these!

And Reagan wants me to someday attempt these. (>o<); Good thing I know some friends who do armor and leather work! And my lady crush on Lucy Lawless... totally resurfaced... Damn!

Well enough of that... tell me what you think. Should I get back into it or should I say screw it!


  1. Goodness, I had this whole great long comment and then I lost it...let's see if I can replicate it...

    Okay so when picking a cosplay, a lot of your decision is based on whether or not you want lots of pictures to get taken. Because I like pictures, this is what I can offer advice based on. So, to have a popular costume you either A) need to pick a costume that a lot of other people don't do B) pick a costume that looks wildly complicated (key word: looks) and/or C) fanservice.

    On this note, for lots of pictures (and also a cool costume), your best bet would be to see if you can get at least one other girl to do Twi'lik dancers with you. This will cover all three categories.

    If you decide to do Hawkeye, you would probably want to try and get someone to do Roy and then run around together catering to people's love of the pairing.

    Princesses are nice, but unfortunately it's usually difficult to identify one from the other.

    And of course you would get tons of attention as Leah, haha.

    And if you are looking for other ideas, it also helps to use characters with tons of personality, because then you can play upon it (this is more useful when it comes to cosplay contests, because you want to do something most people will recognize).

    Anyway, I hope this helps. :)

    ~ * ~ Olivia

  2. Oh you are a hoot! I love that you like to costume. Definitely want a pic of you in the Xena costume! You are a beautiful woman no matter what you wear and I enjoy your experimentation so much. Blessings!

  3. Keep on costuming, having fun, enjoying life! Mwaah! Oh, yea, I want to see when you Xena-up!
