Sunday, May 30, 2010

Let's Get Physical!

I spent two hours today in the gym!

And despite being tired, I feel great! I can sort of see the results of my hard work. The Marine certainly noticed, and I quote, "Damn your arms are so tiny!". I'm actually starting to get pumped about going to the gym. Afterwards I always feel so refreshed after a shower, I just wanna go outside... or clean something! I haven't weighed myself in awhile but my legs are getting thinner and those lovehandles are slowing going bye bye.

Today I tried a new ab workout with my sister. It's called NASCAR abs. Lol I know, but you do various exercises and instead of counting reps you just do your best in time intervals, I can totally feel the burn! And I ran a whole mile today without a stitch in my side! Sooo happy!

Now I just have to watch what I eat. Momma's making pork chops for dinner! YUM!

How is everyone doing? Do you have a fitness goal or milestone! Comment to me about it!!!

PS: Will have a blog about NC up soon... it just makes me sad to write it.

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